We believe that the Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God that is 100% true, 100% of the time.
We believe there is one God who created all things, who is perfect and eternally existing in three - The Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
We believe Jesus Christ was conceived of the Holy Ghost, He was born of a virgin and He is God in the flesh. Jesus is 100% God and 100% man. Jesus Christ died, was resurrected and ascended into heaven and His shed blood is the only ground for justification and salvation for all who believe. Jesus is seated on the right hand of the Father and is now our High Priest and Advocate.
We believe that “all” have sinned and come short of the glory of God and repentance is necessary for the forgiveness of sins.
We believe in sanctification (or growing in divine grace) after repentance and through believing in Jesus Christ, through study of His Word and by the Holy Ghost.
We believe in Water Baptism by immersion soon after accepting Christ as your personal Savior and it's a command of our Lord Jesus Christ for those who have repented of sin.
We believe the Holy Ghost is to bring glory to the Lord Jesus Christ, convict man of sin, regenerate the believer, indwell, guide, instruct and empower the believer for godly living and service. The INITIAL sign and evidence that the Holy Ghost is present inside of us is that we speak in tongues as He enables. 
We believe in the Gifts of the Spirit and that they are for the structure and building-up of the New Testament church of today.
We believe in divine healing and it was provided for us through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
We believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ and all who have repented and lived according to His word will meet Jesus in the air.
We believe in a literal heaven for all who have served Christ.
We believe in a literal hell and those who have rejected Jesus Christ will spend eternity there.
What We Believe